So.. I've been thinking hard on this. And I decided that after school's over, me, Adrian Samuel, Jo, Anna, Jeremy,Rosh, Sean and Adrian Sids should all go on like, a roadtrip to Ipoh or something. Okay not Adrian and Sean. Cos they'll cause problems. But yeah. It'll be so much fun. I already told Adrian and he says it's cool. He can drive us there (; Go visit haunted places in Ipoh :P And if that doesn't work out, we could go to PD for a day trip to one of the beaches there and just chill. I'd loveeee to go to a beach. It's been ages since I went to one. haha. Sigh. So many things I wanna do, but so little time. 1 month isn't enough:P hehe. So next Friday which is my last day of school before the hols, Anna is staying over and we're going to One U after school(; One U can't be more interesting than this (; wink wink wink. And then on Saturday morning, we'll be going to One U with Vila to go bra shopping. PROPER bras. Anna's are too tight for her now:P hahahaha. And I'd like proper ones to go with my dresses:D And omg. My dad said we might go to Pangkor for a holiday. What a coinkidink! Cos Anna's gonna be there too. LOL. I can't imagine us together on a holiday. (;
Holidays, please come quickly.